Grandson Nathan didn't get to visit us this summer when Jarrett and Stephen came. He played in the Volleyball National Junior Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia at the time they were with us. We certainly thought about him a lot, especially when we were shooting fireworks on the 4th of July along with their cousins Jesse and Lindsey.
We especially thought about Nathan when we saw a T shirt that said LIFE IS CRAP, so we bought him one. Sometimes negative comments from people make us think that they have that philosophy about life. Nathan has to work at being positive, but being negative is not an unusual attitude for any teenager to have.
However, on the T shirt were also pictures of an ice cream sundae on the left side of the shirt and a carrot on the right side. It said, "I wanted this," underneath the ice cream sundae and said, "I got this," underneath the carrot. Then the words LIFE IS CRAP.
Actually, the T shirt is a very positive thing. We all know that often fertilizer can come from excrement (often called crap) of certain animals. Also, fertilizer is what makes plants grow into healthy vegetables with great nutrients.
Ice cream is not a good thing for health, even though Gramps loves it. It actually makes him grow in the middle, where he doesn't want to grow. No one gets big in the middle by eating carrots. When Gramps is on a health kick the first thing he stops eating is ice cream. BUT carrots, now, carrots have wonderful vitamins in them. My parents always told me to eat my carrots and I would have healthy eyes, able to see in the dark. I can see great in the dark so maybe they were right. Anyway, the T shirt has turned out to be a very positive philosophy for Nathan to display to people.
Crap used as fertilizer makes carrots grow into healthy, beneficial vegetables which improve eyesight, heart health and mental sharpness. Ice cream doesn't have those benefits.
So I guess Nathan's T shirt is a positive lesson, that being that life's good fertilizer grows crops of healthy plants which will benefit us in the future.
I hope everyone who reads Nathan's T shirt will understand the deep meaning behind his T shirt philosophy. Maybe he'll have to explain it to some people, that he's a walking advertisement for eating carrots and getting healthy.
Also I hope that he knows that there are many times when life seems crappy but that you must use those times for good learning experiences that become like nutritious carrots in your life, making you stronger and more mature.
He's a smart kid. He'll figure it out.
We especially thought about Nathan when we saw a T shirt that said LIFE IS CRAP, so we bought him one. Sometimes negative comments from people make us think that they have that philosophy about life. Nathan has to work at being positive, but being negative is not an unusual attitude for any teenager to have.
However, on the T shirt were also pictures of an ice cream sundae on the left side of the shirt and a carrot on the right side. It said, "I wanted this," underneath the ice cream sundae and said, "I got this," underneath the carrot. Then the words LIFE IS CRAP.
Actually, the T shirt is a very positive thing. We all know that often fertilizer can come from excrement (often called crap) of certain animals. Also, fertilizer is what makes plants grow into healthy vegetables with great nutrients.
Ice cream is not a good thing for health, even though Gramps loves it. It actually makes him grow in the middle, where he doesn't want to grow. No one gets big in the middle by eating carrots. When Gramps is on a health kick the first thing he stops eating is ice cream. BUT carrots, now, carrots have wonderful vitamins in them. My parents always told me to eat my carrots and I would have healthy eyes, able to see in the dark. I can see great in the dark so maybe they were right. Anyway, the T shirt has turned out to be a very positive philosophy for Nathan to display to people.
Crap used as fertilizer makes carrots grow into healthy, beneficial vegetables which improve eyesight, heart health and mental sharpness. Ice cream doesn't have those benefits.
So I guess Nathan's T shirt is a positive lesson, that being that life's good fertilizer grows crops of healthy plants which will benefit us in the future.
I hope everyone who reads Nathan's T shirt will understand the deep meaning behind his T shirt philosophy. Maybe he'll have to explain it to some people, that he's a walking advertisement for eating carrots and getting healthy.
Also I hope that he knows that there are many times when life seems crappy but that you must use those times for good learning experiences that become like nutritious carrots in your life, making you stronger and more mature.
He's a smart kid. He'll figure it out.