Thursday, July 16, 2009


On the teenage grandchildren's visit this year we took an unusual excursion. Don't fall out of your chair when you read where we went. We went to Hooters for lunch one day. Jay wanted a Hooter's T shirt to wear on his trip to Cozumel. Lucy didn't want to go at all, thought Hooters had naked ladies and she didn't want to be embarrassed.. Gramps told her Hooters in the neighboring city is just like Applebee's but the girls have on shorts and T shirts. She agreed to go.
Sure enough, It was a nice place with good food and the girls were modestly dressed. Their medium sized busts were not as large as the teenagers had all imagined. I guess the teenagers had imagined that the girls would fall over forward with their larger than life bosoms.
After we walked into the restaurant Lucy remarked that the shorts the girls wear are just like the shorts she plays volleyball in, and that her friend Sue has a bigger bust than the girls at Hooters. The trip was a lesson to them on how wrong judgments can emanate from the imagination.
After we sat there a while having fun, laughing and talking, Gramps looked at some of the waitresses and said, "I'll bet none of them are real, anyway." To which Jackson, the oldest grandson with us, said, "I wasn't thinking anything about that, Grandpa. I was just thinking how beautiful the female body is." Sam, the youngest teenage grandson, said, "I wasn't looking at the girls, I was contemplating the theory of quantum physics." Lucy, our oldest granddaughter, said, "I was contemplating the end of the world." Jay, always the clown, said, "I was thinking exactly what Granpa was thinking." We all roared.
It has always been like that for the entire time our grandkids visit, a laugh a minute.
Everyone thinks we are nutty for taking them to Hooter's, but we don't want to make anything seem forbidden to them when, in reality, it is nothing that they won't see at the neighborhood pool or at a volleyball game. The girls at Hooter's seemed to all of us like the girl next door, sweet and kind, and really good waitresses.
Gramps took the kids to Chaps the next day, a local hot dog place, which is a tradition for them to go to at least once on their visits. When they got back they said the girl who fixed their hot dogs was dressed more revealing than the girls at Hooters.
Go figure!
A valuable lesson learned!

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