Sunday, October 21, 2007


Gramps and I never know what we are going to encounter when we go on our every Sunday dollar movie theater adventure. We almost always see a good movie, and the price continues to satisfy us. If you haven’t read about our many experiences on those adventurous Sundays, you might want to read the other posts on this web site. We look forward to the Sunday experiences as much as we look forward to seeing a second run movie for a dollar. The one we saw this Sunday was a first run movie last week which cost eight bucks at the expensive movie theater instead of the one buck we spent at the dollar movie theater one week later.
We didn’t have to wait long to have our Sunday laughs before the actual movie began. The laughs came during the coming attractions portion of the movie. The first four series of coming attractions of upcoming movies were shown without incident. The fifth coming attraction was about a movie currently showing on one of the other screens. It was about the popular movie Evan Almighty, a contemporary parody on Noah building the ark, per God’s instructions.
Somehow the film of the coming attractions on Evan Almighty was put in the projector upside down and also backwards. It’s a mystery to us how the projectionist did that. Oh, yeah, I just remembered, the snack bar attendant is also the projectionist for the movies at the dollar movie theater. I think maybe they need to make their HELP WANTED signs a little bigger in order to attract more employees. We have so much fun just going to the dollar movie theater, it must be a constant series of laughs to work there. Maybe they should pay people to work there since it’s such good therapy to laugh.
Imagine this in your mind, the film being upside down made all of the people and the animals standing on their heads. The film being put in backwards made every scene run in reverse, people running and walking backwards, walking backwards into door opening with doors shutting ahead of them instead of behind them, people and animals spitting their food out instead of swallowing, cars and trucks running in reverse all the time. All of that happened as the people spoke what sounded like a combination of Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian and East Indian languages. The lions’ loud roars were backwards, sounding like SSSSSRAOR. The sounds from the elephants’ trunks were weird, like maybe elephants with speech impediments who were beating their trunks on the ground instead of raising them in the air.
It was hilarious, upside down people, animals, cars and trucks walking and running backwards on their heads, with the people speaking weird languages and the animals uttering strange sounds, like animals with speech impediments. And, poor Evan, who was supposed to be the modern day Noah, disassembled the ark in the upside down, backwards coming attractions instead of building it. God surely didn’t give him those plans.
Those two minutes of the movie trailers, commonly called coming attractions in our day, set the mood for the great movie that we viewed. Gramps was concerned that the movie would be upside down and backwards also, but it wasn’t. It was right side up and from beginning to end, just like it should be.
I’ll have to admit, we feel a little cheated on the rare occasions that all incidents at the dollar movie theater go as planned. Even when the movie we view is a good movie, it seems kind of boring when things go right. We’re too used to having unusual experiences that cause us to erupt in great laughs. The healthy laughter is a bonus to our paying only a dollar to view an entertaining movie.
The only problem is that we were the only ones laughing at the upside down and backwards coming attractions. Not one of the other six people in that theater could see the humor in the situation. Maybe they’re expecting too much perfection for the dollar they paid. Gramps and I find humor in everything. That’s why we have so much fun together.
You haven’t lived until you’ve seen people and animals standing on their heads walking and running backwards, cars and trucks on their roofs running backwards, along with the people speaking a Chinese/Japanese/East Indian/Mongolian language, and the animals making reverse sounds like they have speech impediments. It’s a sight to see and hear. We all need to find mistakes humorous instead of aggravating. Anger clogs the arteries and laughter clears the arteries. We would all live longer and have happier lives if we found humor in stressful situations.
I’m already looking forward to next Sunday for the next experience on another of MeMe and Gramps great adventures at the dollar movie theater, as long as Gramps doesn’t fall on the floor again and I don’t lose my hundred and twenty-five dollar sunglasses down the stool in the bathroom again, as I related in the earlier posts on the web site. Just remembering those experiences starts me laughing all over again.
The more I think about it, maybe the funny incidents are saved for Sunday when Gramps and I are going to be there just to keep us laughing.

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