Sunday, December 2, 2007

Parking Space Angels


Gramp's and I have always instructed our grandchildren to look for our special parking space right up front at malls, stores and athletic events so we won't have to walk too far to the front door. We always have a space right in front and it's still astounds the grandchildren that we always have one every time we go someplace.
Gramps and I just take it for granted that we will have a parking space close to the front door. We've never doubted it and we've always trusted our parking space angel to provide it for us. We've never wondered how he does it, we just accept it by faith and go on expecting it.
One day when our grandson Jesse was six years old he commented out of the blue that he finally figured out how the parking space angel does what he does for us. I was curious as to what he had figured out, but I was amazed that he had been stewing about it for years.
His assessment of the working of the parking space angel was this. He said, "Meme, when you decide that you want to go to Wal-Mart or some store, your parking space angel leaves you and goes to the store and whispers in the ear of a person who has a close parking space, 'It's time to go home. It's time to go home.' Then that person pays for the purchases and goes to his car and pulls out of the parking space just as you get to the special space. Then you pull in. That's how it works."
I was amazed that he had come up with that wonderful description of the interaction of heavenly angels with earthly beings. I told him, "Jesse, you are exactly right. That's exactly how it works."
I'll always appreciate Jesse's spiritual insight into the matter of the parking space angels. Now that I know how it all works, I really have faith for my special parking space when I go shopping.
"A little child shall lead them," the Bible says, but I experienced that a little child can also teach us.

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